10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 1 (vvi Objective) Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE 2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021-2022 pdf इंग्लिश कक्षा 10 अध्याय 1 अब्जेक्टिव क्वेशन ऐन्सर पीडीएफ़
God Made The Country
1. According to the poem “God Made the Country’, where do you find fields and groves?
(A) Villages
(B) Towns
(C) Both (A) and (B)
(D) None of these
Ans.- (A)
2. Who created the poem “God Made The Country?? [20194)
(A) William Cowper
(B) William Wordsworth
(C) Alexander Pope
(D) Durga Prasad Panda
Ans. (A)
3. According to poem “God Made the Country’, our life could be sweet if we posses- [2019A)
(A) A lot of money and wealth
(B) Good health and virtue
(C) Good house and car
(D) None or these
4. The towns people do not enjoy any real ……….. [2018A]
(A) Fun
(B) Food
(C) Drink
(D) Scenery
5. According to the poet, health and virtue can be found in [2018A)
(A) Towns
(B) Cities
(C) Villages
(D) Factories
6. William Cowper was born in
(A) 1721
(B) 1711
(C) 1730
(D) 1731
Ans. (D)
7. William Cowper died in
(A) 1805
(B) 1798
(C) 1800
(D) 1810
Ans. (C)
8. The poet calls things like health and virtue
(A) Gifts
(B) Prizes
(C) Curses
(D) Defects
Ans. (A)
9. In this poem the narrator is
(A) A townsman
(B) God
(C) Country
(D) A villager
Ans. (D)
10. A two-wheeled horse-drawn vehicle used in olden times
(A) Cart
(B) Chart
(C) Chariot
(D) None
Ans. (C)
11. What has made the man idle ?
(A) Luxurious life
(B) Comfortable devices
(C) Packed foods
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
12. According to the poet who made the town?
(A) God
(B) Government
(C) Man
(D) None of these
Ans. (C)
13. Where is life better?
(A) In towns
(B) In villages
(C) In markets
(D) In homes
Ans. (B)
14. Health and goodness can make our life
(A) Harder
(B) Comic
(C) Sweet
(D) Confound
Ans. (C)
15. What is the source of light in villages in the evening ?
(A) Seen
(B) Moon
(C) Lamp
(D) None of these
Ans. (B)
16. Why were groves planted ?
(A) To comfort us
(B) To provide us loaries
(C) To provide us fuel
(D) None of these
Ans. (A)
17. Where is the life least threatened ?
(A) In towns
(B) In the fields and groves
(C) In villages
(D) None of these
18. Where do you find health and virtue?
(A) Space
(B) Town
(C) Village
(D) Country
19. What are planted to console the pensive wanderer?
(A) Grooves
(B) Shades
(C) Walls
(D) Factories
20. The moonbeam slides between ……….
(A) The houses
(B) The sleeping leaves
(C) Shades
(D) None of these
21. The song bird referred to in this poem is
(A) Nightingale
(B) Thrush
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these
22. What can make our life sweet?
(A) Good facilities
(B) Health and virtue
(C) Scenes
(D) None of these
23. The thrush departs…………
(A) Sacred
(B) Gladly
(C) Scared
(D) Boldly
24. The villagers can do very well without the ……………. light of the town.
(A) Grand
(B) Dim
(C) Soft
(d) Shining
Ans. (A)
25. What is the poet’s desire ?
(A) To enjoy comfortable conditions
(B) To enjoy luxury
(C) To energy green environment
(D) The pleasure of natural objects
No | संस्कृत गद्य खंड वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न |
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6. | स्वामीदयानन्द |
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No | हिंदी गद्य खंड वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न |
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No | हिंदी काव्य खंड वस्तुनिष्ठ प्रश्न |
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N0 | English Prose Section Objective |
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N0 | English Poetry Section Objective |
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N0 | English Reader Section Objective |
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10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 1 Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE 2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021 pdf 10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 1