10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 3 (vvi Objective)

10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 3 (vvi Objective)

10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 3 (vvi Objective) Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE  2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021-2022 pdf इंग्लिश कक्षा 10 अध्याय 3 अब्जेक्टिव क्वेशन ऐन्सर पीडीएफ़


Polythene Bag


1. “Polythene Bag” has been composed by ……… [2019C, 2018A]

(A) Durga Pd. Panda

(B) Laxmi Prasad Devkota

(C) Puran Singh

(D) Periasamy Thooran


2. “Polythene Bag” makes ……. noise. (20194)

(A) soft

(B) chirpy

(C) harsh

(D) squeaky

Ans. (D)

3. “Polythene Bag’, when left to itself……
environment. (2019A)

(A) pollutes

(B) decorates

(C) beautifies

(D) enriches


4. The Polythene Bag melts down when a little ………. is applied. [2018A]

(A) Cold

(B) Water

(C) Milk

(D) Warmth


5. What causes pain ?

(A) Hurt

(B) Learnt

(C) Smell

(D) Touch


6. Who is the poet of the poem “Polythene Bag”?

(A) Puran Singh

(B) Vidyapati

(C) Alexander Pope

(D) Durga Prasad Panda

Ans.- (D)

7. What happens when we leave a polythene bag on the earth?

(A) It degrades the soil

(B) It pollutes the environment

(C) It improves the soil

(D) None of these


8. Whick object never gets dissolved into the earth’s crust?

(A) Garbage

(B) Bin

(C) Polythene bag

(D) Germs


9. What do you mean by ‘Hurt’?

(A) Luxurious

(B) Painful

(C) Comfortable

(D) Troublesome

Ans. (B)

10. What happens when it little gets heated?

(A) It melts down

(B) It becomes solid

(C) It vaporises

(D) None of these


11. What happens when we burn it?

(A) It turns into ash

(B) It gives a poisonous smell

(C) It becomes volatile

(D) None of these


12. What is referred to as a mundane thing?

(A) Pollution

(B) Politics

(C) polythene bag

(D) Warmth


13. What has been compared to a polythene bag in the poem ?

(A) The feeling of hurt

(B) The feeling of groan

(C) Smell

(D) Dissolve

Ans. (A)

14. Where do germs of diseases keep on growing?

(A) In polythene

(B) In soil

(C) In garbage bin

(D) None of these

Ans. (C)

15. What happens when we touch a volythene bag?

(A) It becomes swallow

(B) It makes a short and shrill noise

(C) It is decomposed

(D) None of these

Ans.- (B)

16. What grows is far away from everyone’s gaze ?

(A) Fear

(B) Love

(C) Polythene bag

(D) Germs

Ans.- (D)

17. The feelin of hurt has been co npared to

(A) A garbage bin

(B) The earth’s crust

(C) A polythene bag

(D) The environment


18. When che a polythene bag mal e a noise ?

(A) When burnt

(B) When touched

(C) When smelled

(D) When pressed

Ans.- (B)

19. A polyth: e bag cannot be

(A) Made

(B) Recycled

(C) Destroyed

(D) None of these


20. How does germs of disease g’ow?

(A) When thrown away

(B) When left in garbage bin

(C) When left untouched

(D) None of these

Ans.- (B)

22. How does volythene bags affect evironment?

(A) It pollutes

(B) It breaks

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None

Ans. (A)

23. What do not get dissolved into the earth’s crust?

(A) A stone

(B) A hurt

(C) A bag

(D) A polythene bag

Ans. (D)

24. What coi is back again and again?

(A) Pollution

(B) Pain

(C) Smell

(D) Nothing

Ans. (B)

25. Where is polythene bag buried?

(A) Inside the earth

(B) Inside the garbage bins

(C) Inside the water

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

26. What type of smell does a polythene bag exude when burnt?

(A) Heavy

(B) Light

(C) Pungent

(D) Disgusting

Ans. (C)

27. Who occupies a prominent position in Oriya literature

(A) Durga Prasad Panda

(B) Laxmi Prasad Devkota

(C) Periasamy Thooran

(D) None of these

Ans. (A)

28. What type of noise does a polyth ene bag make ?

(A) Great

(B) Squeaky

(C) Smelling

(D) None of these

Ans. (B)

29. Whose famous works are ‘Sawa ani’ and ‘Rays’?

(A) Vidyapati

(B) Laxmi Prasad Devkota

(C) Durga Prasad Panda

(D) Humayun Kabir

Ans. (C)

30. Durga Prasad Panda occupies a prominent position in……….. iterature.

(A) Hindi

(B) Oriya

(C) English

(D) Bengali

Ans. (B)


English Reader Section Objective


January Night




The Bet




Sun & Moon


Two Horizons


Love Defiled

10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 3 Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE  2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021 pdf 10th English Poetry Objective Question Chapter 3