10th English reader Objective Question Chapter 1 (vvi Objective)

10th English reader Objective Question Chapter 1 (vvi Objective)

10th English Reader Objective Question Chapter 1 (vvi Objective) Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE  2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021-2022 pdf इंग्लिश कक्षा 10 अध्याय 1 अब्जेक्टिव क्वेशन ऐन्सर पीडीएफ़


January Night


1. Who has written ‘January Night’? [2019C)

(A) Mahadevi Verma

(B) Mahatama Gandhi

(C) Vidyapati

(D) Premchand

Ans. (D)

2. The name of Halku’s wife in ‘January Night’ was- [2019A]

(A) Chunni

(B) Munni

(C) Tunni

(D) Banni


3. Prem Chand is mentioned in- [2019A]

(A) January Night

(B) The Bet

(C) Allergy

(D) Quality

Ans.- (A)

4. In the story ‘January Night’, what did Halku and Munni want to buy? [2018C]

(A) A blanket

(B) A quilt

(C) Both (A) and (B)

(D) None of these


5. Halku worked as………… [2018A]

(A) A tenant farmer

(B) An Engineer

(C) A supervisor

(D) A doctor


6. Munni advised Halku to hire himself out as a ……….. [20184]

(A) Tenant

(B) Labourer

(C) Farmer

(D) Shopkeeper


7. Who was ‘Jabra’?

(A) Ox

(B) Sheep

(C) Dog

(D) Monkey


8. Munshi Premchand was born in

(A) 1880

(B) 1780

(C) 1870

(D) 1888


9. Munni wanted to buy a

(A) Bangle

(B) Saree

(C) Blanket

(D) Kurti


10. Halku curled up drawing his ……. … close against his chin.

(A) Feet

(B) Knees

(C) Mouth

(D) Hands


11. Jabra looked at him with eyes overflowing with………..

(A) Love

(B) Hatred

(C) Threat

(D) Affection


12. Suddenly Jabra picked up the ……… of some animal.

(A) Sound

(B) Calling

(C) Cry

(D) Noise


13. Munshi Premchand died in

(A) 1926

(B) 1936

(C) 1896

(D) 1836


14. The litter truth in Halku’s word came charging at her like a wild ………

(A) Crow

(B) Animal

(C) Beast

(D) Bird

Ans- (C)

15. Halku heard some munching and crunching sounds coming from the

(A) House

(B) Fields

(C) Terrace

(D) Groves


16. “Godaan’ is writen by……….

(A) Dhyan Chand

(B) Ram Chandra

(C) Mohan Chand

(D) Prem Chand


17. Why could Halku not guard his field ?

(A) Due to his sleep

(B) Due to cold

(C) Due to laginess

(D) None of these


18. Jabra was

(A) Landlord

(B) Tanant Farmer

(C) Halku’s dog

(D) None of these

Ans.- (C)

19. Premchand is originally known as

(A) Dhanpat Pandey

(B) Dhanpat Rai

(C) Dhanpat Mistri

(D) None of these


20. Munshi Premchand was born in

(A) Munghyr

(B) Lucknow

(C) Varanasi

(D) Patna

Ans. (C)

21. All the money that Halku earned was spent on

(A) His field

(B) On Munni

(C) On his dog

(D) Paying off debts

Ans. (D)

22. Who devastated the field of Halku ?

(A) Jabra

(B) A ghost

(C) Nilgai

(D) None of these


23. Who was Halku ?

(A) A Washerman

(B) A Tenant Farmer

(C) A Goldman

(D) None of these


24. Mushi Premchand was also known as

(A) Raja Ram Raj

(B) Dhanpat Premchand

(C) Dhanpat Ray

(D) Munshi Dhanpat Raj


25. At the end of the story, Halku is

(A) Sad

(B) Confused

(C) Angry

(D) Contented


26. The Dipper had not yet ……. half the sky.

(A) Climbed

(B) Decline

(C) Arrived

(D) Reached


27. Halku’s field was destroyed by

(A) Jabra

(B) Munni

(C) Nilgais

(D) Jamindar


28. Who entered Halku’s field ?

(A) Jabra

(B) Munni

(C) Jamindar

(D) Some nilgais

Ans. (D)

29. Who was Dhanpat Rai?

(A) Mool Chand

(B) Gyan chand

(C) Prem Chand

(D) None of these


30. “Pratigya’ and `Karmabhoomi’ were the well-known works of

(A) Renu

(B) Premchand

(C) Giridhar Jha

(D) None of these


10th English Reader Objective Question Chapter 1 Class 10 English objective Question 2021 मैट्रिक का क्वेश्चन पेपर 2021 Bihar Board Class 10th English Objective Question CBSE  2021 ka objective Question Class 10 English objective Question 2020 10th objective question in hindi 2021 pdf 10th English Reader Objective Question Chapter 1